Source code for core.stats.gap_detect

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]def gap_detect(dataset, threshold, sensor_level=False): """ Compute the gaps in the given dataset. Gap is a time sequence that two consecutive row have timestamp differences greater than threshold :parameter dataset: Dataset object that want to find the gaps :type dataset: :parameter threshold: the maximum time differences in seconds between two consecutive timestamp to not mark them as a gap :type threshold: int :parameter sensor_level: decide the result is separate for each sensor in feature_list or combine for the whole dataset together :type sensor_level: bool :rtype: dict(str, list(str)) or dict(str, dict(str, list(str))) :return: the room name corresponds to the name of sensor with its corresponding dropout rate """ from import Dataset from numpy import isnan, where from datetime import datetime if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise TypeError("Dataset has to be class") result = {} rooms = dataset.room_list time_col = dataset.time_column_index sensors = dataset.feature_list sensor_dict = dataset.feature_mapping for room in rooms: data = dataset[room][0] if sensor_level: result[room] = {} for sensor in sensors: if sensor == sensors[time_col]: continue result[room][sensor] = [] valid_data = data[(~isnan(data[:, [time_col, sensor_dict[sensor]]])).sum(axis=1) == 2, time_col] indices = where(valid_data[1:] - valid_data[:-1] >= threshold)[0] for period in indices: result[room][sensor].append((str(datetime.fromtimestamp(valid_data[period])), str(datetime.fromtimestamp(valid_data[period + 1])), valid_data[period + 1] - valid_data[period])) else: result[room] = [] valid_data = data[(~isnan(data)).sum(axis=1) == data.shape[1], time_col] indices = where(valid_data[1:] - valid_data[:-1] >= threshold)[0] for period in indices: result[room].append((str(datetime.fromtimestamp(valid_data[period])), str(datetime.fromtimestamp(valid_data[period + 1])), valid_data[period + 1] - valid_data[period])) return result