Source code for core.plot.plot_result

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]def plot_result(result, threshold=None, group_by=0, dataset=None, model=None, metric=None, fixed_category="auto", x_label="", y_label="", y_range=None, add_label=True, font_size=12, file_name=None, bar_size=2, add_line=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the 2D result bar plot for the experimental result. The dimension with only one selected name is the dimension to flat :parameter result: the 3D result from the experiments :type result: core.evaluation.superclass.Result :parameter threshold: maximum score show in this figure :type threshold: float :parameter group_by: indicate using which dimension as the x-axis. Selection of ``0`` and ``1`` :type group_by: int :parameter dataset: select the name of datasets want to present in this figure :type dataset: str or list(str) :parameter model: select the name of models want to present in this figure :type model: str or list(str) :parameter metric: select the name of metrics want to present in this figure :type metric: str or list(str) :parameter fixed_category: find which asix only have one value in order to create 2D result. If ``'auto'`` then it will automatically find the dimension with only one value. Value must be ``'auto'``, ``'dataset'``, ``'model'``, or ``'metric'`` :type fixed_category: str :parameter y_range: the range of the y-axis. If ``None``, then use best fit range :type y_range: ``None`` or list(float) :parameter x_label: text label on x_axis :type x_label: str :parameter y_label: text label on y_axis :type y_label: str :parameter add_label: decide whether add labels to the x-axis :type add_label: bool :parameter font_size: the font size for all elements in the figure :type add_label: float :parameter bar_size: the width of the bar :type bar_size: float :parameter add_line: decide whether add trend line on histogram :type add_line: bool :parameter file_name: the file name of function's figure. if None, then do not write figure to a file. Otherwise, write figure to file_name :type file_name: str :parameter \*\*kwarg: other arguments for the :return: None """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import arange plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': font_size}) def autolabel(rects): """ Attach a text label above each bar displaying its height """ for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.01 * height, '%.2f' % height, ha='center', va='bottom') if dataset is None and model is None and metric is None: raise ValueError("You have to set one value") if group_by not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("group_by can only be 0 or 1") result = list(result.get_result(dataset=dataset, model=model, metric=metric, fixed=fixed_category)) if group_by: x_labels = result[1] legends = result[0] result[2] = result[2].T else: x_labels = result[0] legends = result[1] if threshold is None: valid = [True] * len(legends) else: valid = eval("result[2]" + threshold).sum(axis=0) == result[2].shape[0] legends = [legends[i] for i in range(len(legends)) if valid[i]] result[2] = result[2][:, valid] w = 1 / (len(legends) + bar_size) x = arange(len(x_labels), dtype=float) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) hatches = ['/', '\\', '', '-', '+', 'x', 'o', 'O', '.', '*'] markers = ['o', 'D', '+', 'v', '^', '<', '>', '1', '2', '3', '4', '8', 's', 'p', 'P', '*', 'h', 'H', '.', 'X', 'x', ',', 'd', '|', '_'] for i in range(len(legends)): if add_line: line = ax.plot(result[2][:, i], label=legends[i], marker=markers[i% len(markers)], ms=15, markeredgecolor="#000000ff", markerfacecolor="#00000000") else: bars =, result[2][:, i], width=w, label=legends[i], hatch=hatches[i % len(hatches)], **kwargs) if add_label: autolabel(bars) x += w plt.xlabel(x_label, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel(y_label, fontweight='bold') if y_range is not None: plt.ylim(y_range) if add_line: plt.xticks(x, x_labels) else: plt.xticks(x - (len(legends) + 1) / 2 * w, x_labels) plt.legend() if file_name is not None: plt.savefig(file_name, transparent=True, pad_inches=0)