Source code for core.plot.plot_occupancy_perc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]def plot_occupancy_distribution(datasets, bin_size=60 * 10, orientation="horizontal", room_level=False, file_name=None, skip_calculation=False, size=1.5, x_label="", y_label="", swarm=False): """ Plot the distribution of when the room is occupied over a day (averaged) using histogram or swarmplot. Each Dataset in datasets have one distribution plot, and are shown in the same figure :parameter datasets: a set of Dataset corresponds to its name :type datasets: dict(str, :parameter bin_size: number of seconds for each bin :type bin_size: int :parameter orientation: the direction or the plot. Selection of ``'vertical'`` or ``'horizontal'`` :type orientation: str :parameter room_level: decide the result is separate for each room in each Dataset or combine each dataset together :type room_level: bool :parameter skip_calculation: if datasets is a set of list contains only times, then function can skip calculation :type skip_calculation: bool :parameter size: the size of the dot in swarmplot :type size: float :parameter x_label: text label on x_axis :type x_label: str :parameter y_label: text label on y_axis :type y_label: str :parameter swarm: decide whether use histogram or swarmplot :type swarm: bool :parameter file_name: the file name of function's figure. if None, then do not write figure to a file. Otherwise, write figure to file_name :type file_name: str :return: None """ from time import mktime, gmtime from numpy import ix_, arange, histogram, ndarray import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from seaborn import swarmplot if not isinstance(datasets, dict): raise TypeError("Datasets must be a dictionary!") time_only = dict() i = 1 for dataset in datasets: if not skip_calculation: if room_level: dataset = datasets[dataset] for room in dataset.room_list: data, occupancy = dataset[room] time_only[room] = data[ix_(occupancy.flatten() > 0, [dataset.time_column])].flatten() else: time_only[dataset] = datasets[dataset].data[ix_(datasets[dataset].occupancy.flatten() > 0, [datasets[dataset].time_column_index])].flatten() else: time_only.update(datasets) if orientation == "vertical": xy = "xy" fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(time_only)) else: xy = "yx" fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=len(time_only)) if not isinstance(ax, ndarray): ax = [ax] ax_all = fig.add_subplot(111, zorder=-1) time_label = ['12 am', '3 am', '6 am', '9 am', '12 pm', '3 pm', '6 pm', '9 pm', '12 am'] eval("ax_all.set_" + xy[0] + "ticks(arange(0, 24 * 60 * 60 + 61, 60 * 60 * 3))") ax_all.tick_params(left=False, right=False, bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) eval("ax_all.get_shared_" + xy[0] + "_axes().join(ax_all, ax[0])") ax_all.grid(axis=xy[0], alpha=0.5) time_range = (0, 24 * 60 * 60) for name in time_only: time_float = time_only[name] - mktime(gmtime(0)) time_float %= time_range[1] # Wait to finish weekly # n, bins, _ = ax[i - 1].hist(time_float, # arange(time_range[0], time_range[1] + 1, bin_size), # orientation=orientation, # density=True) if swarm: eval("swarmplot(" + xy[0] + "=time_float, ax=ax[i - 1], size=size)") else: n, bins = histogram(time_float, bins=arange(time_range[0], time_range[1] + 1, bin_size), density=True) bins = bins[:-1] if orientation == "vertical": ax[i - 1].fill_between(bins, 0, n, alpha=0.5) ax[i - 1].plot(bins, n) else: ax[i - 1].fill_betweenx(bins, 0, n, alpha=0.5) ax[i - 1].plot(n, bins) ax[i - 1].set_xticks([]) ax[i - 1].set_xticklabels([]) ax[i - 1].set_yticks([]) ax[i - 1].set_yticklabels([]) if orientation != "vertical" and i == 1 or orientation == "vertical" and i == len(time_only): eval("ax[i - 1].set_" + xy[0] + "ticks(arange(0, 24 * 60 * 60 + 61, 60 * 60 * 3))") eval("ax[i - 1].set_" + xy[0] + "ticklabels(time_label)") if orientation == "vertical": ax[i - 1].set_ylabel(name, rotation="horizontal", ha="right", va="center", labelpad=10) ax[i - 1].set_xlim((0, 24 * 60 * 60)) if not swarm: ax[i - 1].set_ylim((n.min() - (n.max() - n.min()) * 0.1, n.max() + (n.max() - n.min()) * 0.1)) else: ax[i - 1].set_xlabel(name) ax[i - 1].set_ylim((0, 24 * 60 * 60)) ax[i - 1].invert_yaxis() if not swarm: ax[i - 1].set_xlim((n.min() - (n.max() - n.min()) * 0.1, n.max() + (n.max() - n.min()) * 0.1)) ax[i - 1].set_frame_on(False) i += 1 plt.xlabel(x_label, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel(y_label, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) if file_name is not None: plt.savefig(file_name, transparent=True, pad_inches=0)