Source code for core.model.snmf

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .superclass import *

[docs]class NMF(NormalModel): """ Using `Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization < index.htm>`_ model to predict the occupancy level This is a normal supervised learning model. :parameter train: the labelled ground truth Dataset for training the model :type train: :parameter test: the Dataset for testing by using sensor data only :type test: :parameter alpha: constant that multiplies the regularization terms :type alpha: float :parameter beta: constant that multiplies the regularization terms :type beta: float :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: Predicted occupancy level corresponding to the test Dataset """ def __init__(self, train, test): self.train = train self.test = test self.alpha = 0.9 self.beta = 0.8
[docs] def run(self): from numpy import array, reshape from sklearn.decomposition import non_negative_factorization from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor ##########################Learning################################# W, H, _ = non_negative_factorization(,[1], regularization='transformation', alpha=2 * self.alpha + self.beta, l1_ratio=self.beta / (2 * self.alpha + self.beta)) Y = reshape(self.train.occupancy, (-1,)) gblsr = GradientBoostingRegressor(loss='ls', n_estimators=500).fit(W, Y) #################################################################### #############################Prediction############################# W, _, _ = non_negative_factorization(, H=H,[1], regularization='transformation', alpha=2 * self.alpha + self.beta, l1_ratio=self.beta / (2 * self.alpha + self.beta)) Y = gblsr.predict(W) Y[Y < 0] = 0 predict_occupancy = array(Y) #################################################################### return reshape(predict_occupancy, (-1, 1))