#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
[docs]class BinaryEvaluation:
Use all binary occupancy evaluation metrics to evaluate the differences between prediction and ground truth
:parameter predict: the predicted values from occupancy estimation models
:type predict: numpy.ndarray
:parameter truth: the ground truth value from the Dataset
:type truth: numpy.ndarray
:rtype: core.evaluation.superclass.BinaryEvaluation
def __init__(self,
from numpy import ndarray, round
if not isinstance(predict, ndarray) or not isinstance(truth, ndarray):
if truth.shape != predict.shape:
print(truth.shape, predict.shape)
raise ValueError("Two array have different shape")
if len(truth.shape) != 1 and truth.shape[1] != 1:
truth = truth.argmax(axis=1)
predict = predict.argmax(axis=1)
predict = round(predict)
self.predict = predict
if len(self.predict.shape) == 1:
self.predict.shape += (1,)
self.truth = truth
self.metrics = {}
[docs] def get_all_metrics(self):
Get all subclasses
:parameter: None
:return: None
for metric in BinaryEvaluation.__subclasses__():
self.metrics[metric.__name__] = metric(self.predict.copy(), self.truth.copy())
[docs] def add_metrics(self, list_of_metrics):
Add one or multiple metrics into the evaluation queue
:parameter list_of_metrics: one or multiple metrics that additionally add to the evaluation queue.
:type list_of_metrics: str or list(str)
:return: None
from collections import Iterable
if not isinstance(list_of_metrics, Iterable) or isinstance(list_of_metrics, str):
list_of_metrics = [list_of_metrics]
list_of_metrics = list_of_metrics[:]
for metric in BinaryEvaluation.__subclasses__():
if metric.__name__ in list_of_metrics:
self.metrics[metric.__name__] = metric(self.predict, self.truth)
if len(list_of_metrics):
raise NameError("Metrics {} is not defined in evaluation library".format(list_of_metrics))
[docs] def remove_metrics(self, list_of_metrics):
Remove one or multiple metrics from the evaluation queue
:parameter list_of_metrics: one or multiple metrics that want to remove from the evaluation queue
:type list_of_metrics: str or list(str)
:return: None
from collections import Iterable
if not isinstance(list_of_metrics, Iterable) or isinstance(list_of_metrics, str):
list_of_metrics = [list_of_metrics]
list_of_metrics = list_of_metrics[:]
i = 0
while i < len(list_of_metrics):
if self.metrics.pop(list_of_metrics[i], False):
i += 1
if len(list_of_metrics):
raise NameError("Metrics {} is not selected".format(list_of_metrics))
[docs] def run_all_metrics(self):
Run all metrics that currently in the queue
:parameter: None
:rtype: dict(str, float or int)
:return: a dictionary map each metrics and their corresponding result
result = dict()
for metric in self.metrics.keys():
result[metric] = self.metrics[metric].run()
return result
[docs]class OccupancyEvaluation:
Use all occupancy level estimation metrics to evaluate the differences between prediction and ground truth
:parameter predict: the predicted values from occupancy estimation models
:type predict: numpy.ndarray
:parameter truth: the ground truth value from the Dataset
:type truth: numpy.ndarray
:rtype: core.evaluation.superclass.OccupancyEvaluation
def __init__(self,
from numpy import ndarray, round
if not isinstance(predict, ndarray) or not isinstance(truth, ndarray):
if truth.shape != predict.shape:
print(truth.shape, predict.shape)
raise ValueError("Two array have different shape")
if len(truth.shape) != 1 and truth.shape[1] != 1:
truth = truth.argmax(axis=1)
predict = predict.argmax(axis=1)
predict = round(predict)
self.predict = predict
if len(self.predict.shape) == 1:
self.predict.shape += (1,)
self.truth = truth
self.metrics = {}
[docs] def get_all_metrics(self):
Get all subclasses
:parameter: None
:return: None
for model in OccupancyEvaluation.__subclasses__():
self.metrics[model.__name__] = model(self.predict.copy(), self.truth.copy())
[docs] def add_metrics(self, list_of_metrics):
Add one or multiple metrics into the evaluation queue
:parameter list_of_metrics: one or multiple metrics that additionally add to the evaluation queue
:type list_of_metrics: str or list(str)
:return: None
from collections import Iterable
if not isinstance(list_of_metrics, Iterable) or isinstance(list_of_metrics, str):
list_of_metrics = [list_of_metrics]
list_of_metrics = list_of_metrics[:]
for metric in OccupancyEvaluation.__subclasses__():
if metric.__name__ in list_of_metrics:
self.metrics[metric.__name__] = metric(self.predict, self.truth)
if len(list_of_metrics):
raise NameError("Metrics {} is not defined in evaluation library".format(list_of_metrics))
[docs] def remove_metrics(self, list_of_metrics):
Remove one or multiple metrics from the evaluation queue
:parameter list_of_metrics: one or multiple metrics that want to remove from the evaluation queue
:type list_of_metrics: str or list(str)
:return: None
from collections import Iterable
if not isinstance(list_of_metrics, Iterable) or isinstance(list_of_metrics, str):
list_of_metrics = [list_of_metrics]
list_of_metrics = list_of_metrics[:]
i = 0
while i < len(list_of_metrics):
if self.metrics.pop(list_of_metrics[i], False):
i += 1
if len(list_of_metrics):
raise NameError("Metrics {} is not selected".format(list_of_metrics))
[docs] def run_all_metrics(self):
Run all metrics that currently in the queue
:parameter: None
:rtype: dict(str, float or int)
:return: a dictionary map each metrics and their corresponding result
result = dict()
for metric in self.metrics.keys():
result[metric] = self.metrics[metric].run()
return result
# core.evaluation.superclass.Result is for transform the evaluation result to a 3D array and select required data.
[docs]class Result:
Create a 3D array to fast select and reshape result
:parameter: None
:return: core.evaluation.superclass.Result
def __init__(self):
self.result = None
self.metrics = list()
self.models = list()
self.datasets = list()
[docs] def set_result(self, result):
Initialize the data in self
:parameter result: whole result from the experiment
:type result: dict(str, dict(str, dict(str, float or int)))
:return: None
from numpy import zeros, isnan
self.datasets = list(result.keys())
self.models = list(result[self.datasets[0]].keys())
self.metrics = list(result[self.datasets[0]][self.models[0]].keys())
self.result = zeros((len(self.datasets), len(self.models), len(self.metrics)), dtype=float)
for i in range(len(self.datasets)):
for j in range(len(self.models)):
for k in range(len(self.metrics)):
if isnan(result[self.datasets[i]][self.models[j]][self.metrics[k]]):
self.result[i][j][k] = 0
self.result[i][j][k] = result[self.datasets[i]][self.models[j]][self.metrics[k]]
except KeyError:
[docs] def get_result(self, dataset=None, model=None, metric=None, fixed="auto"):
Shrink, select and reshape result by given require query
:parameter dataset: one or multiple datasets that user want as result. If ``None`` then all datasets will
be selected
:type dataset: str or None or list(str)
:parameter model: one or multiple models that user want as result. If ``None`` then all models will
be selected
:type model: str or None or list(str)
:parameter metric: one or multiple metrics that user want as result. If ``None`` then all metrics will
be selected
:type metric: str or None or list(str)
:parameter fixed: find which asix only have one value in order to create 2D result. If ``'auto'`` then it will
automatically find the dimension with only one value. Value must be ``'auto'``, ``'dataset'``,
``'model'``, or ``'metric'``
:type fixed: str
:rtype: numpy.ndarary
:return: a 2D array contains the data for plotting
from numpy import ix_
dimension = {"dataset": None, "model": None, "metric": None}
for dim in dimension.keys():
if eval(dim) is None:
dimension[dim] = eval("list(range(len(self." + dim + "s)))")
elif not isinstance(eval(dim), list):
if fixed == "auto":
fixed = dim
my_func = "[self." + dim + "s.index(" + dim + ")]"
dimension[dim] = eval(my_func)
my_func = "[self." + dim + "s.index(i) for i in " + dim + ']'
dimension[dim] = eval(my_func, {"self": self, dim: eval(dim)})
if fixed == "dataset":
result = self.result[dimension["dataset"], :, :]
result = result.reshape((result.shape[1], result.shape[2]))
return [self.models[i] for i in dimension["model"]], \
[self.metrics[i] for i in dimension["metric"]], \
result[ix_(dimension["model"], dimension["metric"])]
elif fixed == "model":
result = self.result[:, dimension["model"], :]
result = result.reshape((result.shape[0], result.shape[2]))
return [self.datasets[i] for i in dimension["dataset"]], \
[self.metrics[i] for i in dimension["metric"]], \
result[ix_(dimension["dataset"], dimension["metric"])]
elif fixed == "metric":
result = self.result[:, :, dimension["metric"]]
result = result.reshape((result.shape[0], result.shape[1]))
return [self.datasets[i] for i in dimension["dataset"]], \
[self.models[i] for i in dimension["model"]], \
result[ix_(dimension["dataset"], dimension["model"])]
raise ValueError("Target request not found")